About us

Visually engaging your world
Your future in mind

Specialist in audiovisual & IT solutions, video collaboration and unified communications. We speed up the process of digital transformation, bring people together and make organisations decisive and agile. In the Netherlands and abroad.

Digital technologies are being adopted at lightning speed and Audiovisual & IT technology plays a crucial role in this process. However, many organisations struggle to identify exactly how all these technological possibilities can help them realise their ambitions and respond flexibly to current themes and dynamic market developments. What technology exists for facilitating collaboration, speeding up decision-making and developing new business models? What are the best channels for sharing information? How do we make our messages inspirational? How do we bind people and organisations to us?

BIS|Econocom is a leader in the market. We are familiar with and initiate these innovations, and we know exactly how organisations can benefit from the powerful possibilities of video collaboration, unified communications and other audiovisual & IT solutions. Both inside and outside the office environment. Regardless of whether the organisation is large or small. We can assist! We actively help you realise your ambitions, both from a technical and financial perspective. And we always put the user first. Our technology brings people together, no matter where they are and the time of day. Our knowledge and services lead to easily implemented solutions to mobilise the human capital within organisations, share information effectively and benefit from the power of unified focus.

We strengthen the primary process and improve the performance and agility of organisations with our technology and smart services and financing options. Collaboration is improved and teams get results faster, with fewer errors. Boundaries of time and place blur and fade away. And organisations’ communication with the world outside also improves, becomes more interactive and dynamic, and has a greater impact. As you would expect, we focus on use rather than ownership, and attach great importance to security, circularity, user-friendliness and innovation.

Is our approach an evolution? Definitely. A revolution? That too. We do not think in terms of technology. Our point of departure is innovation, ambition and needs. We deploy digital transformation to achieve organisational goals. In doing so, we ensure managed change, act proactively and deliver a seamless experience. As part of Econocom, Europe’s leading digital contractor, with more than 45 years of experience and 10,000 colleagues active in 18 countries, we are efficient, effective and uniquely placed to successfully complete demanding projects at local, national or international level.

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More information? We are happy to help:

+31 180 - 486 777
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Control rooms done right: innovation, efficiency and custom projects at BIS|Econocom

Control rooms done right: innovation, efficiency and custom projects at BIS|Econocom

Create the perfect space with our Interior Design services!

Create the perfect space with our Interior Design services!

Visit our Hub at WorkPlace Xperience 2025

Visit our Hub at WorkPlace Xperience 2025


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