Service & Maintenance

Special Service Agreements for Education

For many years already, BIS|Econocom has established a special bond with the education sector with its specialised products and services — a bond that is expressed in the specialised BIS|Econocom Education team and the fact that this education team has literally provided thousands of classrooms, lecture rooms, communal areas, auditoriums, assembly halls and cafeterias with optimal audiovisual infrastructure consisting of the latest techniques for the transfer of information.

This special bond means BIS|Econocom has specifically developed a number of service agreements for the education sector, the nature and contents of which are closely aligned with the requirements in education. These service agreements offer you a better “cost of ownership”, quality, ease of use and extra security. With this special range, consisting of effective, standardised service levels for the education sector, you have the opportunity yourself to determine the service level and the price that best fit your situation, requirements and wishes — from telephone support to preventative maintenance.

If a service agreement is in place, you will be given priority when you submit a service request. Thanks to our Service Agreements for Education, you can enjoy optimal support, warranty and maintenance on exactly those components you find important. In this manner, you never pay too much and get even more return on your investment in BIS|Econocom audiovisual & ICT solutions. Naturally, our Education service agreements are entirely aligned with the requirements and wishes of schools and other education institutions.

Enter into a BIS|Econocom Education Service Agreement for maximum support, warranty and maintenance.

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+31 180 - 486 777
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