Timetable information

Display roster information via screens, intranet, SMS and app

Fully automatic distribution of time table changes and of other information

How do you disseminate (timetable) information quickly, accurately and easily to your students, lecturers, support staff and visitors? A frequently asked question in the education world. BIS|Econocom is delighted to give you the answer: BIS ID, the versatile digital signage concept from BIS|Econocom (narrowcasting).

BIS ID is an intelligent solution for the transfer of timetable or other information at every type of school – from primary education to education at research universities. The power behind BIS ID lies in its simplicity, versatile applicability and the possibility to link it to existing timetable software, such as GP-Untis, Magister and Roosterfact. All information is managed on one central PC – which can be readied for remote operation – and distributed at the moment of your choosing via LCD screens, information pillars, internet, intranet, texting, etc. All this is done simply and in real time. Your existing network environment is used for the dissemination of information without overburdening it.

Every information carrier can also be controlled individually, which provides you with the option of disseminating specific information to pre-determined locations or target groups – ideal if your school has multiple locations or various buildings.

Hardware: all equipment customised to your applications

With the first generation of digital signage solutions, it was common to display the information on a (television) screen. Nowadays the screen has been replaced by LCD and LED displays, which have been designed to operate 24 hours a day, with tablet computers, desktop monitors, information pillars, videowalls and smartphones also being used as display units.

Integrating these types of devices into your narrowcasting solution makes it possible to reach your pupils, students, and lecturers at any time of the day and anywhere and to inform them of timetable changes or any other relevant information. In other words, not just in the public spaces of your school. In addition to a large range of display units, BIS|Econocom also supplies the correct players, featuring the latest technical developments and with support for HD and Blu-ray. Naturally, we will be delighted to advise you on which equipment is the most suitable for your applications.

Software: direct your information with intelligent CMS

BIS|Econocom has developed the BIS ID software in-house. The advantage of this is that the system matches the needs of users and it is extremely suited to displaying all types of files imaginable and can be linked to any type of information system and database. With the BIS ID software, you can easily manage the information you wish to disseminate. The underlying CMS is user-friendly and offers many benefits. You yourself are in complete control with BIS ID.

Content: display all sorts of information in an impressive manner

BIS ID is suitable for disseminating all sorts of information, in a wide variety of formats. From timetable information and changes, exam and preliminary exam planning to events and school parties. But you can also display videos, PPT presentations, RSS feeds and web pages without any problem at all. With the easy to manage software designer, you yourself determine what your message will look like. It is also possible to let BIS|Econocom Productions take care of your content. Our designers will then create various presentation templates in your corporate style and adapt them to the type of information you want to display. You yourself can then fill these templates with the information (text/images/videos) you want to show. Information from databases is even displayed fully automatically. This is as easy as it gets. You don’t have to worry about your information system. Read more about content production by BIS|Econocom Productions here.

Linking to timetable software: providing information via Internet and SMS

By linking your narrowcasting system to your timetable software (such as gp-Untis, Magister or Roosterfact), timetable information is automatically disseminated to the display units specified by you. In addition, BIS ID also enables pupils and teachers to be informed via SMS and the Internet. For example, as soon as there is an amendment in the time table, a text message is automatically sent to those concerned. It is also possible for students and lecturers to log in at home or at school to see which amendments apply to them. And, incidentally, did you know that you can offer your teachers and pupils the option of installing the BIS|Econocom Timetable App on their smartphones or tablets? This app will “promote” a message at the moment a time table change is entered in the time table software. Really easy, don't you think?

Linking to control ports and registration systems

Linking your BIS ID system to access control ports and registration systems makes it easy to check who is and is not present. In this way for example, you can easily account for your student numbers to the government. But in the event of emergencies, you will also know exactly who is and who is not in the building and be able to react quickly accordingly.

Service & Hosting: Digital Signage as a service

Do you want to provide information to your students without having to look at your Digital Signage solution? Digital Signage as a BIS|Econocom Service makes this possible. BIS|Econocom really makes it easy for you with this service. We install the solution you require, act as the hosting provider, ensure that information is up-to-date and take care of maintenance and software updates. All of this for a fixed monthly fee. In addition to this comprehensive service, you can also depend on BIS|Econocom for services such as advice, design, installation, maintenance and training. You can read everything about this under the description of the BIS|Econocom services.

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