Acoustic scale
Good reproduction of speech and/or music is a basic requirement for successful presentations and transferring information, regardless of the purpose of the event and type of room. Not only is sound important, it is also often a complex challenge. Whistling microphones, reflections from walls and irritating echoes are unfortunately more the rule than the exception. All of these problems can easily be prevented by having an extensive virtual analysis made of your sound system's acoustic behaviour beforehand.
Our expertise in the area of audio and our close collaboration with leading suppliers such as BOSE make it possible to design an acoustic model for the required sound system for any type of room, regardless of its shape or dimensions. Our audio designers and consultants use advanced software to create an accurate model of the facility in which all of the possible loudspeakers can be aligned, turned, moved and switched on or off. It is even possible to include delays. Obviously, allowance is also made for the acoustic properties of the materials used in the room in question and the audio designers can even investigate how the number of people or the relative humidity in the room affects sound quality.
This acoustic analysis serves just one purpose: preventing undesirable echoes and excessive reverberation, ensuring that speech is optimally comprehensible, and that music or other sounds are reproduced perfectly wherever you are in the room in question. In other words, (easy-on-the-ear) audio as it should be.